Partner organisations on the ground :
For their trust and financial support :
- Haella
- HumanAidNow
- Choose Love
- ForRefugees
- Armut und Gesundheit in Deutschland e. V.
- Fondation Gratitude
- Grenzenlose Wärme - Refugee Relief Work e.V.
For their amazing partnerships:
- Indigo Volunteers for the recruitment of volunteers
- Tarjimly for supporting with remote translation
LIBYA (2023-2024)
- SuperNovae
- Cuisines sans Frontières
- SOS médecins commission humanitaire
POLAND (2022-2023)
SAMOS (2018-2021)
For their incredible collaboration on the ground :
- Action for Education (Banana House)
- Glocal Roots
- Just Action
- Médecins Sans Frontières
- Project Armonia
- Refugee4refugees
- Refugee Law Clinic and Avocat Sans Frontières
- Samos Volunteers
- Still I Rise
- Terra Psy and AASIA
For their generous donations of medical supplies :
- Condoomfabriek’
- DocMobile
- Lunettes sans frontières
- Pampiraiki, HART association
- Pharmacie Humanitaire Internationale and Heimatstern e.V
- Solingen hilft e.V.
- The Alumni from MICSEA (Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture) from Barcelona
- VereinFAIR and Volunteers4Humanity
For their trust and financial support :
- Aid Hoc
- Choose Love
- Dessa Stone, ‘AVEC LES GRECS Finistère / Morbihan'
- Everyday, just a smile
- HumanAidNow
For their valuable input on non-medical resources :
- Amel France for their advocacy missions on the Greek Islands to improve living conditions of refugees
- Bridge2 and Refugees Foundation e.V., Support for Refugees on the Run for their continuous support
- ChooseHumanity for helping our translators from the camp
- Indigo Volunteers for the recruitment of volunteers
- Omar for donating laptops
For their willing support and help :
- Estelle Car, Mauro Scattolini and Abdus Sobahan for photographies
- Maryline and Janina for translations
- Olga and Joel for developing the website