Freiwilligenarbeit in Griechenland


Möchten Sie als Freiwilliger in Thessaloniki arbeiten? Wir haben mehrere Möglichkeiten, unserem Team vor Ort beizutreten.

Im Folgenden finden Sie die Beschreibungen der verschiedenen Freiwilligenpositionen, die für den Betrieb des Projekt Thessaloniki erforderlich sind.

Alle Beschreibungen sind auf Englisch, ein gutes Verständnis der Sprache ist Voraussetzung

Wenn Sie andere Fähigkeiten und Ideen haben oder die Rollen kombinieren möchten, würden wir uns ebenfalls freuen, Sie kennenzulernen. Sie können eine Nachricht an schicken und unser Koordinator wird Ihnen in den nächsten Tagen antworten.

Wenn Sie sich bereit fühlen, sich als Freiwilliger zu bewerben, nutzen Sie bitte unser Bewerbungsformular unten, und wir werden uns so bald wie möglich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir keine Einladungsschreiben für Visa ausstellen können, wenn Sie diese für die Einreise in die Europäische Union benötigen. Soweit möglich, bieten wir Unterkünfte in Wohngemeinschaften an. In Zeiten hoher Auslastung kann es jedoch sein, dass Sie Ihre eigene Unterkunft in Thessaloniki finden müssen.

Was geschieht nach Einreichung Ihrer Bewerbung?

  • Nach Einreichung Ihrer Bewerbung werden wir uns mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um Details zu besprechen
  • Wenn Ihre Terminwünsche und Ihr Profil passen, erhalten Sie ausführliche Informationen über die Zusammenarbeit mit uns
  • Wir organisieren ein Telefongespräch mit Ihnen, um alle noch offenen Fragen sowie Ihren beruflichen Hintergrund zu besprechen
  • Wenn beide Seiten zufrieden sind, bestätigen wir Ihren Aufenthalt. Wir werden einige Dokumente von Ihnen anfragen (namentlich Identitätskarten- oder Passkopie und einen aktuellen Strafregisterauszug) und Ihnen das Freiwilligenhandbuch zukommen lassen
  • Bevor Sie Ihre Flüge buchen, vergewissern Sie sich, dass Ihre Daten mit unserem Zeitplan übereinstimmen

Job description

Your main role will be to undertake primary healthcare consultations in different settings each day. Your main tasks will be managing both chronic and acute health issues, such as blood pressure management, diabetes care, acute infections, and a whole other range of healthcare needs.

Throughout your stay with us, you will have to be flexible and adaptable as we are constantly adapting our services to refugee needs. You will also be required to help with other tasks to keep the operation going, such as restocking the mobile units and other support tasks.

Required experience and skills

  • Ideally at least 2 years of experience in a broad speciality such as general practice, paediatrics, internal medicine or emergency medicine.
  • Interest and knowledge of primary health care.
  • Capable of adapting to a low resource setting, knowing how to deal with the frustrations that come with work in this kind of setting.
  • Fluency in English.
  • Availability of at least 2 full working weeks, ideally more. Preference will be given to applications with longer stays.

Desired experience and skills

  • Previous experience with working with displaced people.
  • A driving licence and experience driving a manual car.
  • Knowledge of locally relevant languages (Greek, Arabic, Farsi).

Job description

Nurses can be expected to undertake vital signs and observations, wound care, triage, pharmacy roles, health promotion and many other roles that may be required.

Required experience and skills

  • Experience in or knowledge of primary health care (Nurse Practitioner welcomed to apply).
  • Experience in wound dressing or experience in assessing patients on your own in order to adequately triage them.
  • Capable of working independently, while knowing your professional limits and asking for help if needed.
  • Fluency in English.

Desired experience and skills

  • Previous experience with working with displaced people.
  • Knowledge of locally relevant languages (Greek, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto)

Further information

Understand that this is an intense job where a lot of patience, flexibility, creativity and team work will be asked of you!

Job description

As a medical student you will be expected to work closely with the team of doctors and support them with various tasks. Depending on your experience, you may undertake a large part of the consultation yourself, and then consult with the doctor and discuss the patient, especially for medical students in the later stages of their training.

Throughout your stay with us, you will have to be flexible and adaptable as we are constantly adapting our services to refugee needs. You will also be required to help with other tasks to keep the operation going, such as restocking the mobile units and other support tasks.

Required experience and skills

  • You are in the last years of your medical studies, having completed a significant part of your medical internships. You know how to assess a patient on your own and present a patient to your supervisor. You can recognize an acutely sick patient.
  • Fluency in English.
  • Capable of adapting to a low resource setting, knowing how to deal with the frustrations that come with work in this kind of setting.
  • Availability of at least 3 full working weeks, ideally more. Preference will be given to applications with longer stays.

Desired experience and skills

  • Experience with working with people from displaced populations
  • Knowledge of locally relevant language (Greek, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto)
  • A driving licence and experience driving a manual car

Further information

You can apply with us as part of your internship in your medical studies.

Job description

Our translators are the crucial bridge between our patients and medical staff, enabling communication between refugees and English-speaking volunteers. Interpreters are responsible for translating the patient’s reason for visiting the clinic as well as questions from the medical staff designed to elicit the full range and extent of the patient’s symptoms. In the course of a consultation, the translator facilitates understanding the patient’s problems and concerns, basic, physical examinations, communicating the doctor’s medical opinion, treatment, and providing next steps.

You do not need any previous experience as a translator, and it is not expected that you have prior medical knowledge. There are several tools to assist you in using the most appropriate vocabulary to translate the doctor’s questions and the patient’s responses.

Required experience and skills

  • Fluency in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu or Pashto.
  • Good spoken skills in English.

Desired experience and skills

  • Previous experience with working with displaced people.
  • Previous experience with interpreting, especially for medical consultations.
  • Knowledge of health problems in patients with a refugee background.
  • Spoken Greek language.

Job description

Under the direct management of the medical referent of the NGO, the medical coordinator organizes and ensures an efficient implementation of the medical activities and supervise all related aspects:

  • Be the focal point for all medical issues
  • Ensure smooth integration of medical volunteers
  • Ensure the management and capacity building of the medical team
  • Regular contact with other NGOs
  • Liaison with the local health centres
  • Main focal point for the pharmacy stock and orders
  • Ensure the respect of the medical procedures and propose improvement of processes
  • Ensure the regular reporting and monitoring of the project

As a key position, we ask for a minimum of 4 months commitment, ideally 6 months. The start of the mission is by as soon as possible (ideally in October)

Required experience and skills


  • Medical Doctor or Nurse/Nurse practitioner, with at least 2 years of work experience
  • Experience working in similar environments
  • Fluency in English
  • Adaptability to changing circumstances
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Experience in leading a team

Desired experience and skills

Desired competences and skills:

  • Knowledge of Greek, Arabic or Farsi is a plus
  • Ability to work under pressure with a high level of personal organization and flexibility
  • Strong communication and reporting skills
  • Commitment to humanitarian principles
  • Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
  • Proactive, hardworking and conscientious

Further information


  • Accommodation, transport costs and health insurance covered
  • Stipend to cover local living costs

Please fill in this form carefully and provide sufficient supporting information to make your application expressive and informative.

Select at least one job role*

[Read about the roles here]

You must select at least one!

When would you like to volunteer?*

Note that we do not accept applications more than 3 months in advance.

Are you able to work for this entire period, or just part of it?

Personal details

Please enter an email address
Please enter some text.
Please enter some text.
Please enter a phone number.
You can WhatsApp me on this number

Emergency contact

Please enter a phone number.

Professional experience

Fill all that apply.

Work environment

I am happy working in a stressful, chaotic and emotionally demanding environment:

Personal qualities

I have a good level of spoken English:
Are you an EU / Schengen resident, or able to obtain an EU / Schengen visa?
Do you hold a B-Driving licence?



Keep me updated on any future volunteering opportunities: